热门搜索:布偶奇遇记 第一季完整版免费观看、布偶奇遇记 第一季高清在线观看、布偶奇遇记 第一季免费在线观看
天崩地裂国语浪客剑心 最终章 追忆篇人海孤雄缉妖传三个火枪手国语Umjolo:无解爱情新狼人神枪手与智多星孩子们都很好2012喜上加喜莫娣奇遇真爱无赖老师浑身是劲超验骇客回到未来 (国语版)地球淹没之惊涛大历险(国语版)上盗梦空间(原声版)地球淹没之惊涛大历险(原声版)上地球淹没之惊涛大历险(原声版)下尼斯湖恐兽白昼之雨权力游戏之死亡空间血色巴塞罗那三天一生继承厄运三寸粉笔系深山粉紅是最G情的顏色消失的厨神之阿呆拜寿谜宅
更新时间:2024-06-29 23:55:57
主演:Gerard Parkes史蒂夫·惠特迈尔大卫·戈尔兹Terry Angus
1983年上映,George Bloomfield吉姆·亨森 执导,由Gerard Parkes史蒂夫·惠特迈尔大卫·戈尔兹Terry Angus 等主演的布偶奇遇记 第一季在加拿大,丹麦,挪威,英国,美国发行,豆瓣评分和口碑都很不错,布偶奇遇记 第一季手机在线观看等资源均是网络收集而来。《布偶奇遇记 第一季》HD1280/HD1080p/BD720P/BD1080P/百度云蓝光高清版/在线观看。
Doc and his dog Sprocket have a hole in their wall, behind which live little furry creatures known as Fraggles in a place called Fraggle Rock. The Rock is also home to the Doozers (who are knee-high to a Fraggle) and the Gorgs (who are giants that think they rule the Rock). One gang of Fraggles (Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, and Red), under the guidance of the all-knowing Trash Heap (Marjorie), learn about each other and their neighbors and eventually befriend the Doozers, the Gorgs--and even Doc and Sprocket. Meanwhile, Gobo's Uncle Matt explores Outer Space (our world) and sends postcards to his nephew about the Silly Creatures (that's us). Written by Kathy Li {kli@qualm.}